Saturday, 22 September 2012

What's your problem?

I decided to take a more typographic role after being asked to complete those following tasks.

Task One: Write a 50 word biography for a friend or colleague.
Task Two: Identify one building in London built this year. Find out what used to be that space.

Task Three: Visit a charity shop and find the one item they have the most of in stock. Draw them.

Task Four: Watch the news at 6pm. Write down the most important and least important headlines.

Task Five: Join a local club, society or movement. Find out why they function.

Upon completing the five tasks, we were required to pinpoint a problem in each one and swap one of the tasks problems with a fellow student. Each problem required a solution and we were there to provide it. 

The problem handed to me was the fact that charity shops were mainly filled with women's items and very few of men's, so how could shops promote more donations by men. 


Aim: Target both men and women to donate men's clothes.
How: Speak directly to the audience with clear commands 
using very simple posters.
Charity: Oxfam. Why? Because it is an international confederation of 15 organisations working in more than 90 countries worldwide to find lasting solutions to poverty and related injustice around the world.


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