Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Peace One Day

Poster design to promote the event

Project Brief: To promote Peace One Day and to inform those who haven't heard of it yet.

The idea: To create an event called Designers United; a three-day workshop that will be held at London College of Communication, which aims to spread peace among our community. 

First day: students are briefed ahead of time to submit a two-minute film that represents Peace One Day to inform fellow students about the organisation and its goals. Molly Dineen, an award winning UK television documentary director, cinematographer and producer, will select the top ten entries, which will be screened on the first day of the workshop. Molly Dineen will be attending to offer her critique benefiting any aspiring filmmakers and anyone attending. 

To ensure the attendance of students on all three days, white 
t-shirts will be handed out during the first day and will be regarded as entry tokens for the second day of the workshop. 

Second day: students will design t-shirts using silk 
screen-printing, while pushing their creativity. They will be under the supervision of Neville Brody an English graphic designer, typographer and art director, as well as an Alumnus of London College of Printing. A photograph of eacht-shirt design is entered into the competition where Neville Brody will choose a winner who will be privileged to spend a day in his studio. 

Third day: the ‘Peace Walk’ will take place on the 21st of September, wrapping up the events of the workshop. The students will be divided into four groups, each group starting at a different cultural quarter in London, such as Bethnal Green that is popular for its Bangladeshi community, Edgware Road for the Arabs, Belsize Park for the Jewish community and Southwark for the Ghanaians and other African communities. The four groups will be given a set time to meet at Covent Garden square, an upbeat, vibrant area that is visited by many people from around the world. The walk is symbolic as it unites the groups that started on separate paths. At the end of the day, Neville Brody will announce the results of the t-shirt competition in the square and the students will receive a personalised certificate commending their completion of the three-day peace workshop.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

What's your problem?

I decided to take a more typographic role after being asked to complete those following tasks.

Task One: Write a 50 word biography for a friend or colleague.
Task Two: Identify one building in London built this year. Find out what used to be that space.

Task Three: Visit a charity shop and find the one item they have the most of in stock. Draw them.

Task Four: Watch the news at 6pm. Write down the most important and least important headlines.

Task Five: Join a local club, society or movement. Find out why they function.

Upon completing the five tasks, we were required to pinpoint a problem in each one and swap one of the tasks problems with a fellow student. Each problem required a solution and we were there to provide it. 

The problem handed to me was the fact that charity shops were mainly filled with women's items and very few of men's, so how could shops promote more donations by men. 


Aim: Target both men and women to donate men's clothes.
How: Speak directly to the audience with clear commands 
using very simple posters.
Charity: Oxfam. Why? Because it is an international confederation of 15 organisations working in more than 90 countries worldwide to find lasting solutions to poverty and related injustice around the world.